Not so Random Moments

God is good. Can I ever get tired of saying that?
When healing comes, you realize that a filter breaks off that you never noticed before...
You can start to see God a little more clearly...and sometimes less distorted...
And when you start seeing God steps closer to who He really is... His reality, in the little things, in the "not-so-happy" things, in the funny things and everything else in-between...It's just amazing! Many times its breath-taking.

Random events, don't seem so random anymore. Little side-tracked moments start to seem guided. Appreciation starts to pour in.


This past July, when I was in Redding last, I wanted to take a New Testament intensive class, but instead I needed to spend more one-on-one time with God. At the same time, a friend was taking the OT & NT classes in which she became very familiar with the Instructor (the same for both classes) and his wife. It was also through that class that a healing anointing was passed onto me by transference which lead to healing an elderly man of his hearing at IHOP (the pancake place)! God is GOOD! I bought the NT manual in the bookstore anyway, but ended up forgetting it at my friend's place while traveling back to Korea.

This past Tuesday, I walked into the book store to buy the NT manual once again. The bookstore attendant asked if I was taking the free class that was being offered (mistaking the manual for the OT one,) I was surprised and hopeful in taking the NT course. She then corrected herself upon seeing that it was the OT manual, not the NT one, but encouraged me to look at the weekly bulletin of the OT class and contact information.

The manual rang up a wrong price, which was almost triple the cost, so as the bookstore workers were trying to figure out how to fix the computer-pricing problem, I was waiting to see why this was happening. Apparently, it wasn't a quick fix to charge me the correct pricing. At the same time, I thought it was a great opportunity to take the OT class. A thought entered my mind... what if I am supposed to take the OT class... what if my "forgetting" my NT manual previously was meant to be...what if the mis-priced NT book was to get me to pause about buying it or to get info on the OT class?

When the worker was finished sorting out the problem, I asked her to wait a moment while I contacted the instructor of the OT class. The very first class was to start the very next day! Hmmm... coincidence... I don't think so... perfect timing! I signed up right away over the phone and switched the NT manual with the OT manual (with 10% discount to class attendees.) NICE. :)

October 5th, the night of the OT class
It takes approximately 30 minutes to walk to Bethel. I was debating to ride my new bike or not, but the forecast was thunderstorms later that evening... hmm...better not chance it. I'll take my umbrella...there's something else... what is it? Am I going to meet someone? Maybe someone will offer me a ride?

As I walked out my door and towards the shortcut that cuts off 10 minutes of walking, I see a young woman standing in front her 2nd story front door. She was holding a spiral notebook. Immediately I thought, 'She must be a Bethel student. I wonder if she's taking the OT class. That book looks like the manual.' I didn't really get a good look at it but just thought I assumed that because I was going to class. Then another thought came up, 'If I see her in class, she'll offer me a ride home.' I didn't think anything more of that.

The walk to Bethel was cool, the sky was a magenta-mango with cool blues and purples following a soon-to-be sunset. The clouds were dispersing and it looked like it was going to be a clear night after all.

Cutting through another short-cut, I ended up in the Bethel parking lot. A parking attendant was looking at me funny and I greeted him.
"Good evening!"
"Good evening. You know you should be careful walking up that shortcut. Many people don't know but many homeless people camp out and that path isn't safe at night."
"Oh? I didn't know, but thank you for informing me!"
"Yeah, if you decide to walk, at least walk with a friend."
I thanked him as I wondered if I needed to take the longer route or find someone in order to carpool with.

When I got to class, I saw an Asian girl. I smiled at her and she seemed to look at me as if she recognized me.

"Hi! Hey, do you live off of Clay Street?"
"YES." I smiled, knowing what was coming next.
"I live off of that street and I saw you walking and thought you might be a student. If I had known that you were coming to this class, I would have offered you a ride. I came with my roommate and she drove...etc."

We introduced ourselves to each other. She offered me a ride back with her roommate and that was that! The class was wonderful and filled with the Holy Spirit. Spirit and the Truth! Awesome.
That young woman did not end up riding back home with us, but I did ride home with her roommate (who is from Texas), we found out that we were the same age and she ended up buying me a Starbucks drink (Thanks God for another treat on my bday!) All these "random" events ended up being piles of blessings! ^^ God's SO GOOD!


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