Times are changing and not just the season!

The weather is so awesome and it's actually warm outside!
The blossoms are starting to pepper the trees down the street and I feel like I can proclaim it's Spring!

The atmosphere is different and change is coming although it's not just the season.
It's time for spring cleaning but not just the household, but also the spirit.

I've been sorting through old pics and throwing away a ton of images (boy was I such a shutterbug and packrat!) No more!

It's amazing how much God has brought me out of clutterness and holding onto the past! If you read my old Xanga blogs, I have several entries about my packrat-ness.

Since Sept 2011, I've been living off of 2 suitcases (all the possessions I have in the world except for a box in Texas.) I'm also clearing out my emails, storage, files, photos, JUNK! A word I've been hearing lately is clear out the old and make way for the new! Get rid of things in the past to make new for a new season! This includes thoughts, old mindsets, even some cherished memories. God is GOOD and He keeps moving afresh!

I always felt there was something cathartic about spring cleaning, but I think there's a whole spiritual aspect to it too! There's always that saying, "Cleanliness is next to godliness."


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