A Praise

My soul is lifted up
when I look on your countenance

I feel my soul fill up with joy
when I remember what you have done

When your smile is on me,
I can't keep my lips from praising you!

You have called me your own
You promise to keep me by your side
You never let me go

What more could I ask for?

You turned my mourning into dancing
You give me a reason to sing!
You place the beat in my heart, dancing.
You turned my life around!

Why should I keep my heart downcast?
You take my load and give me a yoke of joy

Let me abide in you
In your house O Lord
In your courts of praise

You place a fresh melody in my heart
You give me music in my soul

My tongue rejoices
With only praise to You
as I celebrate in who you are!

The beautiful name of my Savior

The beautiful name of my God

I am yours and you are mine!



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