"Hope is a confident expectation of good from a good God...and we can anticipate good things from Him." ~ Che Ahn

This is something God was revealing to me the past three months. I didn't recognize it as a revelation of hope, but it is!

God has been dealing with me in how I approach Him. Although He has been revealing Himself as a good Father to me for quite a while, He has pointed (very gently) a distortion in my heart's posture of approaching Him. It wasn't a heart of a daughter who has a good Father. At times it was as a servant, an employee, an orphan, but not in expectation of a daughter who knows her Father is good.

This really hit me and I realized that my mindset was off. Although I "knew" God is known as a good Father, my reactions, expectations and hopes didn't reflect that piece of information for a while. This was an obstacle in my relationship with God. Even though my actions led of bragging about how great God is, there were still slivers of fear of judgement, disappointment and even mistrust when I approach Him.

For example, if I came before Daddy God and I questioned him about a prayer request, I had more of an attitude of, "What is this taking so long? Did I do something wrong? Are you mad at me? Are you punishing me? Is this a painstaking way to disciplining me?" Usually those types of questions were first to pop up.

Now if I knew in my heart that my God is a good God, my reactions would look something more like this: "Oooo, my Daddy gives the BEST gifts ever! I bet He is up to something because He LOVES surprising me with all the perfect touches! He never wants me to peek because He is gathering all the tiniest details together and is waiting to see the look on my face when He shows me what He has in store! I bet He's just can't wait to present it to me! He loves me so much, I know He's waiting for the perfect time!"

It's such a different mind-set, right? For a while, a small but very important piece of information went unchecked in this whole process. God loves me. Yes, this goes back to God being a good God; a good Father, but there it is again. There is that doubt of God's love for me as a daughter. He has displayed it to me a multitude of times over and over but the acceptance of my identity in this part of being God's daughter is still growing and budding more and more. And let me tell you, its so much easier when you let God's Spirit of truth transform you, wash over you, rather than taking information solely with your mind and hammering away with fixing it and making definitions work for you! I love the Holy Spirit!

Hope is a confident expectation of good from a good God.
And if Faith is the substance(reality) in which we hope for, but not seen... and you see it it backed by love. Watch out! That is an explosive combo to rock anyone!

"...Faith, Hope and Love. Those three together are powerful." ~ Che Ahn


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