Happy Kislev! Day 12: A month of remembrance of thanksgiving, dreams & miracles!

Seated in heavenly places - bird's eye view

Okay, so there is so much to be said being "seated in heavenly places." Not only that, there is so much more I lack in experience, but one aspect of being seated in heavenly places is that you get awesome revelatory view of what's going on. I can't say that I understand all or see all, but it's like changing positions from a strategic front-line battle view to a bird's eye view of the whole battle (or war.)

Spending time with God with intimate consistency, I realize that He reveals more & more bigger pictures in situations and revelations. I also think this is part of my gifting in the way I think. Not only in connectivity but in grand schemes. God's also training me to go back and forth from the bird's eye view into the battlefield. This I need more adjustments, but as I spend more time in God's presence (real open-heart relationship) the easier it is because He's the one navigating me. Thank goodness! Whenever I try to take the reigns in spending time with Him, it doesn't go that far nor that deep.

In this time, I'm also seeing a greater picture for the body of Christ in real unity--love. I know it's been preached about for many years and denominations applaud at the idea but scoff others in private, but I see it actually happening now. Other attempts have happened in the past where there were some great progress, but also some deep divisions.

Now there is a new movement of unity forming. I believe much of it is brought about by the Holy Spirit in worship, praise, revelation of the word of God and intimacy with the Father. In true worship, loving and receiving love from God will, in turn, bring reaction to love one another. This is all for good reason and it doesn't exclude evangelism or missions but fuels it. Like John 13:35 says, "By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." It's so interesting that Jesus used the condition of love as the qualifier for being recognized as a disciple.

Anyway, I could go on and on, but the real reason for this post is to thank God for the bird's eye view!
Thank you God for revelation and the greater picture! Also, thank you that I only know it part, because I don't think I could handle the whole!


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