Happy Kislev! Day 19: A month of remembrance of thanksgiving, dreams & miracles!

Exciting Life

There was a time in my life where I would wish for an exciting life. I never really thought I would have one! Honestly, the more you get know God in his many attributes and personalities (I pluralize personalities because He has three: Father, Son & Holy Spirit) you will never find life boring or dull. Just like a great novel or an epic movie, it is never boring as He writes page after page of your life.

If you open yourself for Him to teach you about Himself it just gets more amazing. For a really long time, I wouldn't let Him personally tell me who He was. I wanted to find out on my own, figure it out...try to be "smart." That just leads into a whole lot of faulty assumptions. The moments when I "let" Him reign and show me who He really is... it was/is  m i n d  b l o w i n g! Really. Flavor and colors of life become super vibrant and alive.

After experiencing more of an amazing God, then I thought that I was the "boring" part of the equation of my life. This is only partially true because of my decisions of fencing out God's amazing dreams to touch it. Then God started showing amazing things about myself. It was awkward at first, and all I wanted to do is deny it or change the subject. But because He is the creator with limitless imagination, and he created me, I had to recognize that I'm a beautiful creation made by an amazing creator, artist, perfect God. He started to show things in me that I never knew but He had planned even before the beginning of time. He started to show design & destiny, power & authority, friendship & intimacy, love & humility.

This began a great (and, at the time, terrible) journey of healing & deliverance, in which became so instantly wonderful and compulsive to share and see others also bloom and grow in the like. It was a multiplication that unfolded (yet another wonderful mystery revealed and displayed) from this journey.

Thank you God that life doesn't have to be boring and that your Kingdom is definitely not! You are an exciting and beautiful God. You have no desire for us to settle for boring, useless lives! Thank you Jesus!


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