Happy Kislev! Day 21: A month of remembrance of thanksgiving, dreams & miracles!

Peace is priceless!
When I first heard a couple of my friends say this a few years ago. I thought, "What a nice thought. I can't disagree with that!" What I didn't know was that I didn't have the grasp of what peace was, but the notion sounded nice to me at the time. Now that I look back, I realized that my definition of peace was that peace = no drama. I didn't realize that this was a very skewed definition.

Through my growing relationship with the Holy Spirit, I realize that there is nothing like peace! It is not the lack of drama. It is not even a pleasant, calm demeanor. Peace is a person that holds your hand in the valley of the shadow of death. He takes you to green pastures and still waters. He restores your soul. He anoints your head with oil. He prepares a feast for you before your accusers. Goodness and mercy chase after you all the days of your life because of Him. There is no fear. There is no condemnation. There is not striving. There is provision, refreshment, protection, security, a home forever.

I'm not sure how many people often experience peace or even if they have had a real taste of it, but I think less know that they need to fight for their peace. It's not a kind of fighting that comes from the fear that peace will leave. It's not a kind of fighting that damages things around it so that you can have your own safe-haven. It is being watchful and tearing every divisive spirit that tries to let in fear, anger, entitlement, discord, self-pity, lust, addictions, controlling of others, obscenities, mockery, pride, striving out of flesh/unrest, revenge, vanity, self-proof, etc.

Going down the list sounds like there so much to fight against, but its not that complicated. It's similar to setting a boundary around your home. You set a boundary around your heart. The fence is to welcome the guests and friends in and keep the strangers and un-welcomed out. (There is also the process of kicking out squatters and those that already in the home!)
Amazingly, I realize that the more I let God's words, thoughts and affections in my heart, I have more courage to kick out the thoughts or areas of anger, entitlement, bitterness, self-pity out! Not only that, but also kick them off my property completely!

That doesn't mean those negative spirits surrounding people or circumstances will not try to come back, but I'm keeping my peace and not going to give it up easily by giving them the key and making them a nice dinner and a bed to stay in! I've changed so much in the last few years...even looking back 5 years ago, I handle situations so differently and the way my heart feels now compared to then is a billions times lighter! I love peace! The journey to get there is far from comfortable and can be painful in many measures, but it can be very VERY easy. The path is direct, not confusion...in that sense, not difficult. But what I've been through and how I am now, I wouldn't trade it for a million dollars!

God thank you for peace! Jesus, thank you that you are my peace! Holy Spirit, thank you that you are my comforter when I am not at peace! You bring me back!


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