Happy Kislev! Day 5: A month of remembrance of thanksgiving, dreams & miracles!

Public Transportation

Yes, I am thankful for public transportation!
When I lived in Seoul, I found out very quickly how wonderful public transportation can be.
Of course, living in the States, most destination points may be harder to maneuver if you're not living in a tight, compact city.  None-the-less, I am still grateful for public transportation.

I've had many insightful journeys while taking the bus, train, subway. Also many interesting people and interactions have happened as I journeyed along. I also am able to appreciate people who are faithful to get to their jobs and back. Such a large population relies on public transportation.

Some interesting memories I've had around public transportation:

  • Met a young man on a train and told him that he didn't need to worry about his family. He was surprised how I knew this without him telling me (Thanks Holy Spirit!)
  • A woman who was seated in front of me took my groceries and held it on her lap until I needed to go. I was standing in a super packed bus trying to hold my groceries and trying to find something to hold onto as the bus made its bumpy travel.
  • I met a lady from China who works in Alaska and was happening to visit her boyfriend in Pasadena. We had a lovely conversation on the train and even did a little window shopping together after the ride.
  • As I saw a man waiting for a bus, he was leaning on a crutch. I asked what happened to his leg and if I could pray for him. He said yes.
  • A man started asking people around him where they were going and it started a whole discussion about public transportation in other countries. One lady from Germany was exploring the city as her husband was at work contemplating whether to transfer here. Another lady shared how wonderful European transportation is compared to L.A.
  • I started up a conversation with a man in the back of the bus. He did interior painting for a living. I asked if I could pray for him and his future and he was so touched. He offered to buy me lunch "next time." I haven't seen that man again. :)
  • As I was waiting at a bus stop, a man asked me if a certain bus was stopping there. That led me to pray for him and his wife (who was not present at the time.) He later revealed that he and his pregnant wife are Christians and that they recently fled persecution from their home country. We were both very touched at meeting a family member in Christ.
  • On a train, I had a full 5-minute conversation (with gestures) with a three year old girl, without speaking but mouthing the words in Spanish since she was trying to "be quiet" so she would not "get in trouble" by her mama. Her mama was laughing, knowing the whole time.
  • On that same train, I listened to a man (in his late 40's/early 50's) talk about his new internet girlfriend and how he was going on a vacation to Las Vegas to watch a fight. He then confessed that he wanted to stop a new gambling habit. I encouraged him that he could and that he had a good head on his shoulders. This started from him telling me he was nervous around kids and later revealed that he didn't want them to hurt themselves. I told him he had a kind heart, and that opened him up.
  • I was sitting on a bus next to a young man (maybe a college student.) I felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to talk to him, but I didn't want to. At last, when I heard my stop being announced, I told him "You have a great destiny and your heart is pure." He said, "Thank you. I needed to hear that." I got off my stop, but wished I had started the conversation earlier. I'm glad I got out what I did.
  • I was on the bus on my way home and had the courage to ask Holy Spirit, 'Is there anyone you want me to speak to?" The bus stopped and a young man scooted right next to me. He seemed really nervous and moving his hands, rubbing a piece of paper on his knee (almost like in a DJ turning/scratching.)  I quietly prayed for peace on him and on the bus. Then he asked me about a bus stop that we just left from. He missed his stop. He didn't seem to understand much of what I was telling him. I ended up helping him find his way back with help from another woman on the bus. We didn't know each other but somehow we adopted this young man to help him find his way. Prayer answered.
  • Just tonight I was coming home from work. My bus was late and a long line gathered. When the bus finally arrived, the bus was packed but I managed to get a seat next to a lovely lady. At the next stop the power in the bus kept shutting down. The lady next to me was saying something's been wrong since the whole ride she's been on: wrong back routes, the bus extremely late and crowded and now breaking down! The bus driver must of been new. I contemplated to get off the bus and find another way home, but instead I prayed. 'Lord be with this driver! Peace over him and over all the people of the bus. Get us safely out of here with no interruptions! The driver got out of the bus while we were in the dark for a minute and got back on, started the engine and nothing went wrong after that! People were clapping when the engine turned on and when we got to the final bus stop so many people thanked the bus driver to encourage him.
I think I learn more about humility and kindness on the buses and trains than most places. Granted, you shouldn't talk to everyone on them, but you'll also find people who are humble,  have a great sense of humor and are gracious as well.

God, thank you so much for not only public transportation but my experiences (and my training) on public transit! People are so precious and you care about them all.


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