
"It's always darkest right before the dawn. But it's important that there is a dawn! There's a huge difference between a season and a lifestyle. Everybody goes through hard times,..everybody! Nobody is exempt from trials or troubles. And some lifetime trials can't be avoided, that's for sure...like serious health issues or accidents that bring some devastating ramifications to a person and/or their family. Thank God for miracles!!!!

But what some people call a season is sometimes a lifelong struggle caused by negative ecosystems brought on by their poor choices, bad attitudes, and so on.
There's a huge difference between trials that are meant to mold us and stupid choices that we make that bring troubles into our lives. God can use anything in our favor, but repeating bad choices and calling them trials is a complete misunderstanding of the ways of God. Bad attitudes become bad behaviors, bad behaviors become bad habits, bad habits become bad days, and bad days can create a lifetime of pain.

Why not come home to the mind of Christ? The Father is eagerly waiting for you in the field of dreams! Maybe it's time for you to take on a whole new attitude and meet the Father in the field."

~Kris Vallotton


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