Happy Kislev! Day 26: A month of remembrance of thanksgiving, dreams & miracles!

My amazing Jesus
As I am getting to know my Jesus, there are just so many aspects to Him. One, that I am still getting use to, is that he is the bridegroom to the church. The church is His bride. It sounds like such a weird concept and, I'm sure, especially for men to feel comfortable with the concept of being the bride of Christ. Just to clarify, understanding Jesus as my bridegroom doesn't necessarily equate to say that I have romantic feelings for Jesus like a woman has for a man (or vice versa), but it does put into perspective where romance comes from...love.

For instance, (I may have mentioned this before in one of my blog posts) the first real experience I had of Jesus being passionate for me (but also a glimpse of what He has for the entire church) was when I was praying in the sanctuary of a church in Korea. It was most likely empty and I was just really, if anything, meditating...maybe zoning out. Then a scene played in my head, like a clip from a movie. Jesus was reaching towards me with one hand, strong and with such passion in his eyes, saying "I'm coming for you!" It made my heart leap and I literally gasped. It felt like one of those scenes you see in a movie, where the heroine is being torn away from the hero and he calls out to her saying, "If its the last thing I do, I will come for you! I promise!" I opened my eyes and my heart was beating fast. Jesus is passionate about his bride! He is coming back for her and cannot wait to see her in full glory! When I see this side of Jesus, it brings so much meaning to everything he says to and about the church--his bride.

Another picture I got of Jesus was when I was in the global prayer room in Kansas City. There was water everywhere with lily pads floating around and I was wading through (waist-high) in the water. I was wearing some sort of dress and walking towards a bright light that looked like a sunset. The lily pads moved around me as I parted through the waters and the ripples and the lily pads became almost like a wedding train, trailing behind me. As I walked closer to the light, I could start to see a face and a figure in the light. It was Jesus. He was like a bridegroom waiting for his bride on his wedding day. (Again, I'm not feeling any romance in the human sense, but it was a picture of the purity of anticipation, joy, love, and being together.)

It still sounds a bit weird when I type it out, but my heart is so much more connected to the love of Christ. It's amazing, and I'm sure what couples experience in love & romance is a shadow of what God's full love for us is.

Jesus thank you for your love. Thank you for you! I am so happy to live the rest of my life with you. I also can't wait for my future husband, so that we can also walk together with you.


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