Creeping motives...

It's been an interesting journey of faith the past few years of walking out where God's been leading.
More than anything, its been a journey of character transformation.

I've witnessed/experienced so many AMAZING things: so many miracles (physical & spiritual); wonderful & LOVING people (praise God for you!); beautiful scenery & nature (my favorite place to be!); greater intimacy & communication with God (gets me every time!) and so much more!

A large part of that journey is to be an influence wherever I go. It may not look like much to the average person, but I consider it bringing a little piece of heaven on earth. Whether it may be a simple "hello" to the local bus driver, or telling the homeless person on the corner, "You're amazing!" as I hand a Starbucks sandwich and gift card to him, it is fighting despair & cynicism. Or maybe it would look like offering prayer to someone who didn't expect it, or hugging someone like I really like them as a person and mean it! It's been quite a lesson of getting out my comfort zones, old self-definitions and self-pity!

But also in traveling and observance of many persons, cities, cultures, blogs, articles and even some ministries, I've seen an alarming increase of bashing, slander and mud-slinging.

I may not know much about politics or currents affairs, but I see a lot of underlying motives of bashing all over the place, especially in media and the people they influence.

It grieves my heart because...well, aren't we better than that? Has society degraded so far that much of our communication, literature and current events boil down to a free-for-all communicative vomit for all to see?

I don't care if it's a church, a political party, a large well known organization or a person's personal opinion, but why has the value of the 1st amendment (and God given right) been pulled down to the level of the mud trenches for chaotic mud-slinging? ...An "US vs. THEM!!! GET THEM!!!" mentality...

Any person, party or organization who operates to increase/amplify despair, anxiety, disgust, shock, panic, sensuality, resentment, or anger to create a quick reaction needs to be given a second thought on the motives. Even behind well-manicured causes, there is a breeding, creeping ulterior motive that can easily be unchecked. And if unattended, it WILL grow...Watch out! Unattended... it will rear its ugly head soon enough! If a leader with bitter and wrong motives comes into position of power, then...well, there will be much to be addressed.

This is what love, joy, hope, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness & self-control fights against--A very well-known cultural atmosphere of emotional quick "now&how"! They address the deeper root issues of what most, if not all, of us face--the integrity and dignity of a person (and in the presence of God with that!)

Just some thoughts to express what my spirit has been grieving for a while now...


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