Today was an intense day.

The last couple months I was sensing and feeling a built-up of pressure and emotions.

...So many different emotions to sort through and although I used to wrestle with big, overtaking emotions inside of me when I was younger, not so much in the recent years...

But today something happened, as if something was uncorked and it kept going throughout the day. I don't think I cried this much consistently throughout the day for a very long time!

And despite my puffy, red eyes and nose and being thirsty from not replenishing my H2O... I feel so blessed and amazed with how much God loves me and continues to show me and pursues me through it all. He's been building and surprising me with gifts of loving kindness and his sweet words of intimacy. He just keeps pouring it out. It just makes me want to surrender everything all over again!

Today was an intense day, but it was good.


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