Something from the heart

God, you are so overwhelmingly kind.
Sometimes I think I can't hold any more or I'll explode.

The other day, someone told me that they saw a rare trait in me and it is kindness.
It made me stop and think. Could that be true? Is kindness a rare trait?

I don't feel especially kindly and I know I have not been on many occasions.

But when I am hit with your kindness God, I just melt into a puddle.
It is so wonderfully disarming.

The other day, I was reading I Corinthians 13 and there it was.
"Love is kind." Hearing from a sermon that I Corinthians is not just how I should be, but describes God's love for us, it just made me smile.

To be kind is to be like my Pappa. And Oh, He is!
What a compliment!


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