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Seven Longings of the Human Heart - Longing #6: Longing to be Wholehearted

  I'm continuing with sharing my brief descriptions of longing #6, referring to the "Seven Longings of the Human Heart," by Mick Bickle & Deborah Heibert's book. If you would like a copy of the book, you can find it at  ihopkc ,   Amazon , or . (I'm not getting any commission mentioning this book or sharing links.)       Longing #6: Longing to be Wholehearted In the greatest commandment, it calls for wholehearted devotion and love to God. There are no exceptions, no areas set aside or separated from fully loving God.  No holding back. (This makes sense since we can enter an intimate relationship without Shame. This was commissioned to lovers of Jesus and likened to a "lovesick" bride waiting for her bridegroom. This longing involves our heart, mind, soul, and strength. It is of eternal effect giving and receiving pleasure that surpasses any other object or person could even attempt to fulfill. *** Wholehearted is such an interesti

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